All Competitions Have Now Been Closed For Submissions
Submit Your Entry Here
Make sure you reach carefully which category you are submitting under.
All entries will be filtered for the most recent entry. There can only be one entry per group. If a member of a team already has been submitted under a larger team, the latest dated submission will apply.
Tertiary Student Competition
All entrants must submit:
​A description (maximum 500 words or 5-minute video) of an idea to help improve productivity at a personal, firm or national level. The description should explain:
How does this concept boosts productivity?
Who will benefit from this idea?
The resources required to put the idea into action.
Why is the idea innovative?
A Poster Supporting Their Submission
Entrants must be
Jamaican nationals, registered at an accredited Tertiary institution (undergraduate or postgraduate) or must have not graduated before October 2023. Only one entry is allowed per participant.
Group entries are allowed. (Prizes will not be based on the number of persons in the group)
JPC staff members and direct relatives are not eligible to enter the competition.
Judging and Criteria:
Written and video descriptions will be judged by a team of productivity experts. The judging criteria for the idea descriptions will be:
Level of innovation/ originality
Potential to positively impact productivity
Extent to which idea can benefit Jamaicans

What You Can WIN !
Entrepreneurs Competition
Cash Prizes will be awarded as follows:
1st place - $500,000 & trophy
2nd place - $150,000 & plaque
3rd place - $100,000 & plaque
Tertiary Competition
All winners will receive consultation and training with the Development Bank of Jamaica Business Model Competition lecturers.
Cash Prizes will be awarded as follows:
1st place - $125,000, laptop, trophy
2nd place - $75,000, tablet, plaque
3rd place - $50,000, tablet, plaque
Productivity Innovator Competition
The winner for the Corporate Competition will receive the title of Innovator of the Year 2024.
Public Sector Competition
The top 3 Entities within the Public Sector Competition will receive awards in the forms of trophies.